








サロン名 メニュー例 口コミ件数 口コミ平均点
CHOP SHOP at Ameria 宝塚店 【☆人気NO.1★新規★フェード限定☆】フェードカット+眉カット¥4400 234 4.69
Mars enak hair 【髪質改善/宝塚伊丹川西エリア初登場】BYKARTE(バイカルテ)トリートメント 121 4.61
mars soleil 宝塚駅前店 【髪質改善/宝塚伊丹川西エリア初登場】BYKARTE(バイカルテ)トリートメント 76 4.68
hair make spoon 【人気NO1★】カット+ナチュラル縮毛矯正+新トリートメント¥25950~→¥18000 46 4.87
RIM 【新規】 ALL MENU 20%引き 31 4.65
relation カット¥3850→3520 17 5
Grooming club 中野風樹限定【理容室】カット+白髪ぼかし 60min ¥7920→¥5800 15 4.73
mars HOM 宝塚旭町店 [平日限定/Aコース] カット+シェービング+シャンプー 60min¥5170→¥4510 3 5
mars HOM 宝塚駅前店 [平日限定/Aコース] カット+シェービング+シャンプー 60min¥5170→¥4510 1 5

CHOP SHOP at Ameria 宝塚店

口コミ件数が1位となったのは、CHOP SHOP at Ameria 宝塚店さん。


宝塚初のメンズに特化したメンズ専門美容室☆メンズのフェードスタイルが得意で、どんなオーダーにも応えられるよう、お客様にご満足いただけるよう、トレーニングは欠かしません!CHOP SHOPは美容師ならではの技術と知識で理容室とは違う、今までにない最高のメンズスタイルをご提案致します(^^)【メンズ/ヘッドスパ/理容室/バーバー/髪質改善/キッズカット/眉カット/スキンフェード】
サロン名 CHOP SHOP at Ameria 宝塚店
口コミ平均点 4.69(234)
参考メニュー 【☆人気NO.1★新規★フェード限定☆】フェードカット+眉カット¥4400
サロン住所 兵庫県宝塚市湯本町9-18 アメニティコート宝塚湯本2F-C-2

Mars enak hair

口コミ件数が2位となったのは、Mars enak hairさん。


数ある美容院の中で、いつまでも人の温かみを感じて頂けるヘアサロンであり続けたい。Mars enak hairは、2004年に代表の角昌司が宝塚市旭町で立ち上げたヘアサロンです。創業から今日まで、ご要望を形にする技術はもちろんのこと、最高のひとときを楽しんでもらうため、人の温かみを感じて頂けるおもてなしをご提供させていただきます。皆様のご来店を心よりお待ちしております。
サロン名 Mars enak hair
口コミ平均点 4.61(121)
参考メニュー 【髪質改善/宝塚伊丹川西エリア初登場】BYKARTE(バイカルテ)トリートメント
サロン住所 兵庫県宝塚市旭町2丁目6‐21

mars soleil 宝塚駅前店

口コミ件数が3位となったのは、mars soleil 宝塚駅前店さん。


サロン名 mars soleil 宝塚駅前店
口コミ平均点 4.68(76)
参考メニュー 【髪質改善/宝塚伊丹川西エリア初登場】BYKARTE(バイカルテ)トリートメント
サロン住所 兵庫県宝塚市川面5丁目2-4

hair make spoon

口コミ件数が4位となったのは、hair make spoonさん。


マスク着用 OK!貸切空間で感染予防、密になる心配なし。当店は一人のお客様を最初から最後まで担当します。カウンセリングからカットはもちろん、シャンプーやスパまであなただけの特別な時間、空間を過ごしていただけます。お子様連れ、メンズ、子供からお年寄りまで大歓迎!月曜日も営業していて、早朝やお仕事終わりの時間など営業時間外もご予約OK。お気軽にお問い合わせ下さい。
サロン名 hair make spoon
口コミ平均点 4.87(46)
参考メニュー 【人気NO1★】カット+ナチュラル縮毛矯正+新トリートメント¥25950~→¥18000
サロン住所 兵庫県宝塚市川面5-10-43ニシノビル1F




サロン名 RIM
口コミ平均点 4.65(31)
参考メニュー 【新規】 ALL MENU 20%引き
サロン住所 兵庫県宝塚市栄町3-5-10




当店はコンセプトとして お手入れがしやすく 再現性の高いスタイル作り  を心がけています。 1人でも多くの方にリラックスしていただきつつ、楽しい時間を提供できるようスタッフ一同頑張っております。 皆様のご来店心よりお待ちしております。
サロン名 relation
口コミ平均点 5(17)
参考メニュー カット¥3850→3520
サロン住所 兵庫県宝塚市南口2‐5‐33

Grooming club

口コミ件数が7位となったのは、Grooming clubさん。


初めまして『グルーミングクラブ by Mars』リーダーの鍵田です。2018年3月、宝塚市を中心に9店舗展開しております。Marsヘアサロンチームの初のバーバーショップとしてこの宝塚駅前にオープンさせて頂きました。他とはまた違ったカッコいい店内と洗練されたデザイン・技術・サービスをご提供させて頂きます。ぜひ一度、グルーミングクラブに足をお運び下さい。お待ちしております!
サロン名 Grooming club
口コミ平均点 4.73(15)
参考メニュー 中野風樹限定【理容室】カット+白髪ぼかし 60min ¥7920→¥5800
サロン住所 兵庫県宝塚市川面5丁目1-3 ホワイトストーンギャラリー102

mars HOM 宝塚旭町店

口コミ件数が8位となったのは、mars HOM 宝塚旭町店さん。


サロン名 mars HOM 宝塚旭町店
口コミ平均点 5(3)
参考メニュー [平日限定/Aコース] カット+シェービング+シャンプー 60min¥5170→¥4510
サロン住所 兵庫県宝塚市旭町2丁目6‐21

mars HOM 宝塚駅前店

口コミ件数が9位となったのは、mars HOM 宝塚駅前店さん。


サロン名 mars HOM 宝塚駅前店
口コミ平均点 5(1)
参考メニュー [平日限定/Aコース] カット+シェービング+シャンプー 60min¥5170→¥4510
サロン住所 兵庫県宝塚市川面5丁目2-4





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  61. Thanks for posting!

  62. Thanks for the update!

  63. Go ahead, however confine the fantasy components to issues you possibly can change fairly simply, similar to wall-masking borders, not put in tiles.

  64. Whereas the materials are ageless, their sturdy, simple beauty, relying more on texture than on artifice, create a quite contemporary mood.

  65. He represented the club in 2002 Durand Cup the place although his team did not qualify for quarterfinal stage, Chhetri made an look in 4 games and scored a aim.

  66. Much appreciated!

  67. Thanks for posting!

  68. metamask says:

    Thanks for posting!

  69. Thanks for sharing!

  70. In Louisiana, French influence resulted in Creole and Cajun cooking.

  71. McNulty, Phil (27 December 2010).

  72. Grace Avery VanderWaal (born January 15, 2004) is an American singer-songwriter and actress.

  73. In a friendly match towards the Netherlands on 11 November 2011, he played your entire match because the Swiss saved a clean sheet in Amsterdam.

  74. Paragon was unable to find a workforce keen to play IMG, in order that they outsourced their efforts to a man named Joe Maimon, who runs a company known as Prep Gridiron Logistics.

  75. One other benefit of electric typewriters is the diminished bodily pressure on customers.

  76. This is an inventory of the numerous events to occur on the membership during the 2007-08 season, presented in chronological order.

  77. Nov 1-2, 2024. New York City, NY.

  78. If you are filing separate returns, each of you’d complete a separate Type 5695.

  79. Nevertheless, the primary unmistakable evidence for widespread glass utilization comes from the ruins of Taxila (3rd century BCE), where bangles, beads, small vessels, and tiles were found in massive portions.

  80. My Rating: An Hour of Romance is an underrated romcom webtoon deserving of a 9/10.

  81. With his busy regime, he more and more relied upon his gifted son-in-law, Powell, to supply the designs for stained glass.

  82. He was an apprentice alongside Ming Tian’s Father revealing it to Ming Tian after seeing him battle at the prelims and Tian coming to his gym.

  83. The one exception to this is when a pitcher enters a sport earlier than the opposing staff scores a run or makes an out and then completes the game with out allowing a run to score.

  84. Make a halo by entwining lightweight silver reward ribbon with a white, pink, or lavender chenille stem.

  85. The infantry consisted of the first Regiment of Moroccan Infantry and the 8th Tabor (battalion) of native Goums.

  86. The store carries every thing from beautiful jewelry to gorgeous glass chandeliers.

  87. erx 株価 says:

    Churchill flew to Paris on sixteen Might and recognized the gravity of the scenario; the French government was already burning its archives and getting ready for an evacuation of the capital.

  88. FREE admission. FREE parking.

  89. Individuals from different regions aware of consuming caramel flans, custard or crème brûlée may also get pleasure from sampling panna cotta.

  90. Better Phoenix Postcard & Paper Present.

  91. Thanks a lot!

  92. Thanks for sharing!

  93. The disorder begun at Sedan was spread down the French line by groups of haggard retreating soldiers.

  94. The images these cameras capture are then projected onto a heads-up show on the car’s windshield.

  95. On 10 June, Italy declared struggle on France and Britain; Italian Royal Air Force (Regia Aeronautica) started its bomb raids over France.

  96. Alex says: I by no means found any good vintage objects here, but hey, it is fun to take a look at and a fast check if you’re right there visiting Mandarake — which you are, of course!

  97. So what else can I say?

  98. Medieval home windows and drawings of them provided the source and inspiration for almost all the sooner nineteenth-century designers.

  99. On March 10, 2024, the Edmonton Oilers received 4-0 in opposition to the Pittsburgh Penguins after Calvin Pickard was replaced with Stuart Skinner for the final 1:16 of the second interval and didn’t face a shot.

  100. Thank you so much for your help! I truly appreciate your support and guidance.

  101. Dominic Fifield (sixteen July 2003).

  102. Gillingham’s Chris Dickson scored the profitable objective against Crewe on 5 December at Gresty Road after spending one month on loan for the Railwaymen.

  103. First, be born on the dying planet Krypton and have your dad and mom send you to Earth, where our yellow sun will provide you with superpowers.

  104. 10. Struggle & Peace by Leo Tolstoy – I don’t know why exactly I got this one, because I wouldn’t learn this novel in English translation when i can very well understand the original.

  105. His system produced a steady ribbon of flat glass by forming the ribbon between rollers.

  106. So searching for stories like it is tough work.

  107. Mickey Mouse creator Walt Disney had a number of of his cartoonists duplicate his creative signature on replies to kids seeking his autograph.

  108. The size of the desk makes it easy to regulate even giant work pieces, which translates into a level of accuracy not doable on so many other sanding centers that include undersized work surfaces.

  109. He acquired his first international commission for paintings, a picket construction, and a suite of stained glass windows for the Olympus European Headquarters Constructing in Hamburg, accomplished in 1981.

  110. 93. A pair of ladies in a darkish blue costume with a black mantelet, and a beige colored gown with darker brown trim, with a multi-coloured mantelet respectively.

  111. Pauli. At one level during the 2009-10 season, he suffered a shoulder damage that stored him out for three months.

  112. If we talk particularly in regards to the tribal tattoos of American Indians, they used them to characterize their spiritual beliefs, tradition, rituals, and natural spirits.

  113. Then these laughter-filled manhwa suggestions are for you.

  114. Fine, thanks. Moving on.

  115. That’ll do. Thanks.

  116. The commonest and oldest functions of glass in optics are as lenses, windows, mirrors, and prisms.

  117. London: Tate Publishing (UK).

  118. Grateful, but let’s not make a big deal out of it.

  119. A rare moment of appreciation from me. Thanks.

  120. Guess I should say thanks or something.

  121. Extension says:

    Grateful, but let’s not make a big deal out of it.

  122. Mat Damico says:


    I hope this message finds you well. My name is Mathew Lundgren, and I am a Research Assistant in the Research and Development Department at Newton Laboratories Pro Ltd, a leading biopharmaceutical company based in London, England. I am reaching out to explore a potential partnership opportunity.

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  123. Regardless of that, many different cities serve as capitals of every of the provinces and territories, like Vancouver, British Columbia.

  124. A rare moment of appreciation from me. Thanks.

  125. That’ll do. Thanks.

  126. When buying a swimming pool pump, your pump can have a ‘Maximum Stream Rate’ in the specifications tab.

  127. It also makes constructing devoted sanding jigs a lot easier.

  128. I owe you one, thanks a ton! You can find more at

  129. One younger girl is seen in an electric blue gown with a white lace bonnet and a muff, the opposite sibling is in a black costume with a lace collar and cuffs.

  130. Church of St Thomas the Apostle, Hanwell, describing Moira Forsyth’s artwork.

  131. Kotal’s participation with the underneath-23 facet continued further, as he was part of the 2015’s India’s squad that took half in the 2016 AFC U-23 Championship qualifiers in Bangladesh.

  132. Their first, dating from 1988, depicts the Battle-born Catholic martyr Thomas Pilcher.

  133. It shows the foundress of the Group, Mother Edith Mellish, as St Brigid.

  134. Towards all odds, Ritu Upadhyay won.

  135. It is 267 ft high, 40 ft across its base, and is estimated to be between 1,500 and 2,000 years old.

  136. Thanks, you saved me time and trouble! For further help, check out

  137. Prior to the 16th century, gifts were exchanged in the course of the feast of St.

  138. You may order your debts by interest charges, and deal with paying off the very best interest fee first.

  139. Operation Heraklion. Bergé selected three Free French commandos, Jacques Mouhot, Pierre Léostic, and Jack Sibard; Lieutenant Kostis Petrakis of the Greek Army within the Center East, a local of Crete, joined them.

  140. Wadi, Nagpur Plot No.

  141. It may offer you a spot to mount tools that might typically get attached to a wall.

  142. On this outdated church serving a village which is now a part of Worthing, the firm’s designer Paul Chapman was liable for the home windows within the west end of the north and south aisles.

  143. On December 13, one of the darkest days of the 12 months, St.

  144. More than one hundred million copies have been offered worldwide and the game is remembered for its iconic coloured blocks that should be placed excellent.

  145. Having a facet access panel allows you access the enclosure from the side (reasonably than the front).

  146. When they are saying their club motto, they do it in a Charlie Angels fashion.

  147. Easy geometric decorative patterns in repeating shapes based mostly on massive, usually overlapping, circles, squares and diapers set towards a background of clear or decorated quarries, typically inside a plain brightly coloured border, surrounded by an additional clear border.

  148. In studying French, I found that probably the most difficult phrases to master had been what I got here to name “linguistic glue,” the adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, and conjunctions that hyperlink verbs and nouns into complete sentences.

  149. Sometimes a number of of the outer nodes is drawn as a non-circular shape to fit within an area allotted.

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  151. With their proximity and stark topographic similarities, it is just natural that these two pleasant states would share their cultures, replicate such issues as architecture and building model, music and language, and naturally, food and drink traditions.

  152. He then played for the underneath-22 facet through the 2013 AFC U-22 Championship qualifiers in Oman.

  153. More like a castle than a cave, this impressive stone-crammed bathroom makes glorious use of one other natural materials.

  154. Unfortunately, this may cause issues and in some instances security hazards.

  155. Examine the pH degree each couple of weeks and maintain it at the correct level.

  156. However he stated if he did not have a membership by 31 August he would not carry on with soccer.

  157. Historical collections of glass artwork might be found usually museums.

  158. E. Liddall Armitage. Hulton Archive, Getty Photos.

  159. Thank you for taking the time to read!

  160. Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts!

  161. 株価9202 says:

    Later, two members of the group mysteriously go missing, and in the future Ursula and Elton return to the assembly room, the place Kennedy reveals himself to be an Abzorbaloff, who has absorbed the opposite three LINDA members.

  162. In the extremely unlikely case that heavy fallout was anticipated here from an overseas ‘occasion’, transient sheltering might be required as detailed in What To Do If A Nuclear Catastrophe Is Imminent!

  163. Both purposeful and decorative, they add a classy touch to any kitchen decor.

  164. Turquoise crystal is the primary-hand resolution to calm down enraged Jupiter.

  165. There are very few labor union members in any union that make the minimum wage or anything real near it.

  166. This alluring stone is prized for its metaphysical powers and efficient healing properties.

  167. Would fallout reduce financial productiveness of crop and pasture lands?

  168. Video games are at all times an ideal solution to have fun.

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    1 × 60 min.

  170. He additionally backed away from a suggestion that the vetoes had been sent to the wrong house.

  171. “No farmers, no food, no future,” is a phrase that’s stitched onto the back of our child’s T-shirt hanging on the hallway clothes rack I cross within the dim gentle of the early hours.

  172. Lieutenant-Colonel Peter Leslie Pearce Gould, MBE, (117329), The Queen’s Regiment.

  173. I feel just a little emotional but excited for her too.

  174. It accentuates the options of the face and thus makes the particular person feel extra sure about themselves.

  175. That is the level at which the FDA could start to warn the public not to use milk and/or difficulty an order to seize or detain milk products.

  176. In Colonial America, the Pilgrims of new England disapproved of Christmas.

  177. For services to British interests in Zambia.

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    Paint the partitions ruby, goldenrod, or cantaloupe, and the furnishings takes on a top quality that seems to be inspired by an artist’s studio.

  179. Carousel Needs and Desires exhibit, which hyperlinks to the Broad Ripple Park Carousel article.

  180. However the title seems to have had totally different applications at totally different occasions and locations; we hear it spoken of as an unlimited constellation extending via seven signs of the zodiac; additionally because the seven-headed Draco, every of whose heads is a star of Ursa Minor; and once more as the pole star.

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  182. However, Irani turquoise showing a blue colour with out these flecks can be found, which is very uncommon.

  183. Just earlier than the celebration begins, make the icing by beating two egg whites until stiff.

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  185. You can go for the cabochon of oval-formed natural Firoza stone, dome-formed from one aspect.

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  193. It must be taken repeatedly as daily meals.

  194. Military Conflicts via Primary Sources.

  195. William and Ann Howarth had been appointed to run the baths in 1799, and so they have been subsequently often known as Howarth’s Baths.

  196. Griffiths, Emmy (7 July 2017).

  197. McGuire dug in his heels asking when they might begin on a depression project.

  198. That’s not what canine sometimes are bred for, so dogs that don’t love a whole lot of strain, they don’t love that confrontation-sort thing, they don’t seem to be going to take pleasure in going as much as a Level 3, as an illustration.

  199. Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital at Stanford was based in 1991 after a $40 million donation in 1986 from David and Lucile Packard, and since then LPCH has turn into one of many nation’s most prominent youngsters’s hospitals.

  200. John Storey Mallabar, Chief Inspector, Tynemouth Borough Police.

  201. Charles Eric Nicol, Secretary, North East Metropolitan Regional Hospital Board.

  202. James McCulloch York Dickens, Chief Personnel Officer, Agricultural and Food Research Council.

  203. On the listening to, John Schneider testified that the depression plan would cost about $5.Eighty four million and officially submitted the plan designs.

  204. Colonel Sheila Leslie McAulay, ARRC, (494562), Queen Alexandra’s Royal Army Nursing Corps.

  205. Dermot Morris, Senior Administrative Assistant, Oxfordshire Fireplace Service.

  206. Jack Alexander Colder, Assistant Chief Engineer, Instruments Design Workplace, Engineering Group, Risley, United Kingdom Atomic Power Authority.

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  210. 600 per month in rent.

  211. Sawer, Patrick (three October 2015).

  212. The facade of the 4-story base is composed of limestone and Texas pink granite.

  213. Jordan, who left Strictly in 2012 after appearing on eight sequence, additionally banned Ms Bouzova, who formerly starred on BBC medical drama Casualty, from eating sweets and chocolate and would only permit her to buy pineapple and ham after they visited a supermarket together.

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  220. Forests cover greater than half of Tennessee’s land area, however the state’s timber trade is essentially focused on the Cumberland Plateau, which ranks as one in every of the top producers of hardwood nationwide.

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  232. As a lifelong pacifist, nevertheless, Chew believed that protest and reform were essential to resolve the ongoing American conflicts with the British Parliament.

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  240. The problem exhibits economy in its development: no greater force is employed than that required to render the issue sound (that’s, to ensure that the problem’s supposed resolution is certainly an answer and that it’s the issue’s only resolution).

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  244. George Will (April 21, 2008).

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  246. Mr. COMBS was a member of the Baptist Church and the Masonic Lodge.

  247. Nonetheless, not like several other books talked about or seen in Deus Ex, Jacob’s Shadow will not be a real ebook and Andrew Hammond isn’t an actual author.

  248. 1984). Vital Essays on Louisa Might Alcott.

  249. Some felt they weren’t learning anything, and the concept of four extra years of faculty, or even two, held little enchantment.

  250. Anderson: “Dr John Edgar Anderson, age 98.-Born in Winterset, Ohio on March 2, 1905 to Edgar and will (Tuttle) Anderson; handed away Oct 10, 2003.

  251. In the primary full-exhibiting of the exhibit on the 98 Greene Avenue Loft, the pictures were put in on boards in sequential rows as Mayer’s seven-hour audio track performed a single time between the gallery’s open and close.

  252. The Fontana sisters – Giovanna, Micol, and Zoe Fontana – had had an intoxicating taste of fame three years earlier than Giovanni invited them to take part in his first style show.

  253. Brower was a caring person with a great sense of humor, stated Kenkel, who was separated from her previous husband 5 years in the past.

  254. Low upkeep : It doesn’t want any special care or upkeep.

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    The seven hills that inspired the identify of Rome are generally known as Blossom, Jackson, Lumpkin, Mount Aventine, Myrtle, Previous Shorter, and Neely Hills (the latter is often known as Tower or Clock Tower Hill).

  256. Jules Verne’s 1904 novel Robur the Conqueror begins out in Philadelphia on the banks of the Schuylkill River.

  257. Nepomniachtchi is Russian, but competed under the Chess Federation of Russia flag, on account of WADA sanctions against Russia.

  258. John H. (Jack) Hickey spoke with NBC Miami about the case.

  259. The latter kills Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn however is defeated by his padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi and is presumed dead.

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